gvcard: (Google|Yahoo) Local + vCard

Have you ever wondered why it is so darn hard to import search results from Yellow Pages sites like local.google.com or local.yahoo.com? Whether you are at your desk or using your fancy Treo 650, wouldn't it be nice if you could import these phone numbers directly into your address book? Now you can.

Try an online demo of the CGI version of gvcard here: http://tinyurl.com/6arfw (feel free to bookmark it)

Business Name:
Location: (city, state OR zip code)
Pick a search provider:

gvcard is free software and is written in 100% pure python. It is available for download (and CVS) at our sourceforge.net project page. To download the latest release, click here: Download Now

gvcard also comes available as a command-line client and a weblet if you'd prefer to run it locally on your own machine.


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